Uninstall OfficeScan 10.6 Client

Uninstall OfficeScan 10.6 Client

There are multiple ways of uninstalling the OfficeScan client from the client machine. Automatic ways of uninstallation are preferred since they can be done remotely without user involvement.   Manual methods of uninstallation require password ,and the password is documented on the TechConnect KB. 

  • Using the Web console (does not require password) . You need to login to the Web Console as described here
  • Running the client un-installation program locally on the users machine (requires password)
  • Manually (requires password)
  • Using Landesk (does not require password )

Using the Web Console and scheduling Landesk task are by far the easiest way to accomplish the task.

The first 3 methods are documented here: http://esupport.trendmicro.com/solution/en-us/1039283.aspx


NOTE: If the password is not working for you, and you are an FSP or an IT Support Provider, please contact IT@tufts.edu to receive the proper password.

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