Outlook to Google Calendar

Outlook to Google Calendar

  1. Request a Tufts Gmail account from it@helpdesk.com

**note ** this must be complete before you proceed. Personal Gmail accounts will not work.

  1. Download Google Apps Migration for Microsoft Outlook here  Migration Tool
  2. After receiving e-mail with you Tufts Gmail account AND changing the temp password -

open migration tool.

  1. Input Tufts Gmail e-mail address provided
  2. Input password and click remember me.
  3. Click continue

  1. Select Outlook and check 'Migrate all data' and press next button *if updating Google Calendar, select Migrate only new data*

  1. For this tutorial – check Calendar and select Migrate

  1. Let Migration run…

  1. ..until you receive the Migration Complete message

  1. Verify in Google Calendar that Outlook calendar entries have been migrated

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