Deploying OfficeScan clients using disk imaging

Deploying OfficeScan clients using disk imaging

Deploying OfficeScan clients using disk imaging

Trend Micro Support Article: http://esupport.trendmicro.com/solution/en-us/1035208.aspx

NOTE: If you are imaging your computers with the OfficeScan client already included in your base image you may run into problems and duplications as Trend Micro inserts a unique GUID into the registry for your clients.   

This procedure requires a third-party disk-imaging software that is not included in OfficeScan. The Image Setup Tool (imgsetup.exe) is aimed at creating new globally unique identifiers (GUIDs) for cloned machines so that the OfficeScan server can identify each machine individually.


Please do the following:

  1. Install the operating system, all the preferred applications, and the OfficeScan client software to create the source of the disk image.
  2. Go to the C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\ImgSetup folder in the OfficeScan server.
  3. Copy the imgsetup.exe file to the client machine. 
  4. Run the imgsetup.exe file.
    1. A RUN registry key will be created under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
  5. Use your disk-imaging application to create a disk image of the OfficeScan client.
  6. Deploy the image created by the application.

 When the newly-imaged machine is started for the first time, imgsetup.exe will automatically start and create a new GUID value. The client will report this new GUID to the server and then the server will create a new record for the new client.
The Image Setup tool creates a new GUID, but it does not change the computer name in the OfficeScan database. To avoid having two machines with the same name, you must manually change the computer name or domain name of the cloned OfficeScan client.



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