OGSS Scholarship and Discount in Slate
  • In progress
  • OGSS Scholarship and Discount in Slate

    Slate Instance



    OGSS Admissions

    TTS Staff

    Helen Williams




    In Progress

    Request Description

    OGSS wants to record when an admitted student is offered a scholarship in Slate. This would also support work being done to include discount information in a regular schedule export to SIS/PF for matriculated MPH students and potentially assist with reporting awarded dollar scholarships to OFA.

    Related Service Issue(s), Tickets, or other TTS work

    C03263: FA Student Load, Elaine Collins / Mario Gonzalez


    OFA Spreadsheet: Go to File (Box, provided by Ariana Balayan) - this is the spreadsheet that is created/maintained by OGSS (Josh Cooper, also admissions?) and shared with OFA (Valarie Marchese) to communicate when scholarship offers are made, accepted, etc.



    Key Dates/Decisions



    Attendees Present



    Attendees Present



    Email from Patrick Vivier

    Confirmation of awards.


    Ariana Balayan, Helen Williams

    During check-in meeting Ariana told me that DPT will be using dollar amounts for their awards. I also gave an update on the work for support issue C03263 and how it would impact MPH. Discussed future possibility of using new entity in Slate to support generating the OFA spreadsheet.


    Email from Elaine Collins, to Dmitri Hoffmeyer and Helen Williams

    Support issue C03263 will likely be approved 11/9, need confirmation from Dmitri for impact to AS&E, Helen wrote back confirming that TUSMGP process should be OK to go by then. Will only be including MATR/IE in the feed, not ADMT.


    Ariana Balayan, Helen Williams

    During Slate school meeting discussed using the entity and custom tab model vs. tracking via activity. Agreed to use the entity model, which will support tracking data in more significant detail.


    Elaine Collins, Tara Olsen, Valarie Marchese, Helen Williams

    Meeting about MPH discount and process for sending information about admitted student discount to OFA



    Elaine Collins, Tara Olsen, Helen Williams

    During meeting about MPH discount questions Tara told me she didn’t want to use this process to replace what is managed through the spreadsheet created by OGSS/Josh Cooper and shared with Valarie for the dollar amount awards.

    Permissioning Tabs / Entity Widget

    Tried some experimenting in Test… Using the custom permissions directly in the form (to create the widget) didn’t seem to work. However, Custom Tabs can have a custom permission for Read and Write. When you create a custom permission and give it “read” access, the user with that custom permission can view the data but the “Add New” option is removed. So will use this for the new scholarship tab in the application so that only Admissions staff (Hannah) can actually add a scholarship/discount, but anyone who can see the tab can see if one has been added.


    Project Steps

    1. Create entity in TUP for Scholarships and Discounts, add initial prompts and fields, then refresh configurable joins library.

    2. Create assets needed for data entry and display in application record:

      1. Entity widget

      2. Form for custom tab

      3. Custom tab

      4. Permissions?

        1. Create custom permission for Tabs

    3. Create query library/guide for how to export/filter, etc.

    4. Create process to auto-populate the 20% discount for eligible MPH student

    5. Edit the query provided by Dmitri


    Schedule Export Query to Source Format to update Entity

    At this point in time, it is not possible to assign entity field values using Rules in Slate. However, it is possible to set up a query that is scheduled to export data about the record you want to update to the Technolutions SFTP server, where it can be picked up by the data import process and passed through a source format, effectively creating an overnight update process outside of the rules editor.

    Source: Learning Lab course “Quick Wins in Slate with Underscore” / Updating Person Statuses with Ping/Email Engagement Rules


    1. Create Query to export the data about application records which should be assigned the discount.

      1. https://tusmgp.admissions.tufts.edu/manage/query/build?id=0e0729af-ffa6-4726-98e3-d5650d9d13c3

      2. Include the Person Ref ID and Application Ref ID to be used to match back to the same record and application in the source format.

      3. Set execution option to “retreive only the new records since the query was last run” and at least for testing also limit rows to a reasonable number for testing (5).

        1. TUSM Faculty are identified by the field “Referral Program” being set to “TUSM Faculty.” The field is set when someone creates an application in the PH Round and then is asked to select an MPH degree option. If they select “MPH for TUSM Faculty” a hidden field in the application form will add this value when that form/page of the application is submitted by the applicant. (Confirmed this is working 11/8/2023 using test account.)

      4. Applicants planning to use an employee benefit are identified by the field “Affiliations - Employee Benefit” which uses bit prompts. This field is set by the API import from SOPHAS, based off of an Organization level question the Tufts programs have customized in SOPHAS via the configuration portal. This is passed through to the Slate record via the CAS API Application Source format. (Confirmed this is working 11/8/2023 on the one applicant so far this cycle who answered Yes to this question in SOPHAS).

    1. Configure the query settings in “Schedule Export” to deliver to the Technolutions SFTP.

      1. Path: ../incoming/Discounts/MPH_20_Disc_%FT%T.txt   (this is the folder and name of the file that will be sent to the SFTP/source format)

      2. Delimiter: Coma(,)

      3. Overnight window is recommended--low ask of the server

      4. Set for every day.

      5. Leave as inactive until you are ready to have the files start sending to the SFTP/source format

    1. Create a new source format to consume this file.

      1. Database > Source Format > Create New

      2. In the Source Format settings (Edit) change the following configurations:

        1. XML should be <layout b="," h="1" t=""" />

        2. Import Automation > Import Path/Mask should be the folder and file name added to the query for the path.

          1. Do not add the backslash before the folder name

          2. Change the filename to remove the merge fields and insert wildcard (*) instead.


            c. Make sure to leave the Remap Active = Inactive, but the Status = Active so that you can run the file to the SFTP and prepare it for remapping, but not fully consume the file.

    2. Go back to the query and click “Run to SFTP.” The query will run (limited to the rows you set) and send the file out to the server. This takes a few minutes; after receiving confirmation, go to Database > Force Process Pickup and then Database > Force Process Import to expedite pulling the file into the source format.

    3. Go back to the source format and click Remap. Configure the mappings for the Field Mappings and Static Mappings.


    4. Go back to the source format and change the Remap Active from Inactive to Active. Then run Database > Force Process Import again. Return to the source format and confirm the sample records were processed as expected.

    5. Go back to the query and edit the Properties to remove the row limit and then edit the Schedule Export to change the Status to Active.

    6. Check the next day to ensure the remaining records were processed overnight.

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