Missing financial aid fields in SOPHAS API

Missing financial aid fields in SOPHAS API

Slate Instance



Hannah Fridy





Bug Description

Add two fields for financial aid information to the existing CAS API for SOPHAS and then back-fill data for this application cycle for applications already imported.


Issue Description

The MPH program requires the following questions to be imported to slate (from the MPH application) in order to pull the responses into a query for scholarship awarding.



Reviewed a sample application file for the field names for these questions in the app:

  • Military Education Benefits = militaryEducationBenefits

  • Are you applying for financial aid? = financialAid

  • Do you want to be considered for financial assistance? = financialAidConsideration



Went to the current MBS application in Slate to confirm where we should store this data, have two existing fields for the financial aid questions, needed to create a new field for the military benefits question:

Resolution Steps

Updated the SOPHAS Application source format with the 2 financial aid mappings at 10:22 am on 3/20. Program later requested military benefits, so added that one at 10:00 am on 3/22.

Ran an export of all applicants currently in SOPHAS with the following fields:

  • SOPHAS ID (cas_id)

  • Designation Program Lookup ID (program_id)

  • SOPHAS Custom Questions:

Put this .xlsx through the CAS Application Cleanup source format, which I keep to do backfills of data like this without triggering the rules queue.

I cleaned up the original export to remove any rows where the data for the three questions were blank, which was true for any In Progress applicant that hadn’t gotten to that part of the application yet.


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