DVM/MPH Application Import

DVM/MPH Application Import

Slate Instance



Jessica Ronan





Summary Description

Annual process to create records in TUSMGP instance of Slate for applicants to the DVM/MPH program.


Detailed description of desired deliverable:





  1. Obtain a spreadsheet containing the required bio/demo data from TUV needed to create person/application records in TUP.

    1. Query: https://vet.admissions.tufts.edu/manage/query/query?id=cce65ab0-4fc4-402e-b447-9cff9f78b4b0

  2. After downloading the spreadsheet from TUV, go to TUP and review the DVM MPH Applications source format for this cycle.

    1. Set SF remap to inactive and update the remap date to today

    2. Upload the file downloaded from TUV and wait for Slate to process/status = awaiting activation.

    3. Remap and make the following changes:

      1. Change the round

      2. Change the start term

      3. Refresh the prompt value mappings and map any new prompts that haven’t been done before.

    4. NEW 2024: Add static mapping for Round = Always Create. Had a SOPHAS MPH application already in an existing record and the vet record overwrote the SOPHAS when I did the import.

  3. Create test app to check on what rules/updates will be made to these apps:

    1. In 2024, changed this rule https://tusmgp.admissions.tufts.edu/manage/database/rules/edit?id=d6c013c0-5a12-40dd-a79d-1306eb6dc69e to remove DVM/MPH as they were read outside of Slate and don’t need to be added to the Workflow.

    2. Simiarly, no checklist rules in 2024. None came up when the rules ran on the record anyway, but since not reading in Slate just manually importing PDFs as Full App PDF.

    3. Make sure not being added to any populations used for deliver campaigns (like inquiry or application processing)

    4. Ideally, leave this for a week to see what emails might be sent, but not always possible. Gotten pretty good at excluding this group from any existing campaigns, so less of a worry now.

  4. After doing test applicant, return to the source format and change remap active = active and let it run.

  5. Upload PDFs provided by the Vet school to Batch Acquire and add to records as material = full application PDF.











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