MBS Pre-Dental Track

MBS Pre-Dental Track

Slate Instance



Ariana Baylayan





Summary Description

Create a process to allow existing MBS students as well as students referred from TUSDM to apply to the MBS as pre-dental track students.


Detailed description of desired deliverable:




Working with Hannah Fridy and Alessa Rosa, we decided to create two forms:

  1. A form for students who were already applicants to the MBS program/have no application history with TUSDM. This will be application-scoped and will be added to the application status portal for all populations (applicant, admit, enrolled) to be submitted if/when an applicant has submitted their primary MBS application. When submitted, it will update their existing MBS application so the app-scoped Concentration field is updated to Pre-Dental Track.

  2. An application-creation scoped form for students referred from TUSDM. The link to this form will not be public and will be provided to TUSDM to share with their applicants. Submitting the form will create a 2024 MBS application in Slate with:

    1. the app-scoped field Referral Program updated to TUSDM Referral Program

    2. the app-scoped field Concentration updated to Pre-Dental Track

    3. A comment added to the admissions notes that display in the reader that this is a TUSDM referral applicant.

Other considerations:

Ensure TUSDM referral applicants are not getting application process emails

Create new decision notification email for TUSDM referral which includes PIN so they can login to portal

Add confirmation page and confirmation email to both new forms



Refreshed TUP test environment after building forms to test.

MBS Pre-Dental Track (TUSDM) form:

  1. Realized would need to have a fee waiver for the app fee, so updated the rule in production to include students with Referral Program = TUSDM Referral Program so $70 fee is waived.

  2. Realized would need an application decision email w/PIN (can’t be usual MBS decision email) and would need to update all MBS application process emails to exclude TUSDM Referral Program apps.

  3. Confirmed that application was created in 2024 app round for MBS as submitted, and all fields updated appropriately:



  1. Confirmed that confirmation page displayed properly.


MBS Pre-Dental Track (MBS Applicants)

  1. In test, found a MBS applicant who had been reviewed and had an admit decision. Impersonated applicant for the status portal and then confirmed I could access the form while impersonating student.

  2. Submitted the form and confirmed that this added the Concentration = Pre-Dental Track to the existing MBS application.


  1. Confirmed that confirmation page displayed properly.




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