Update DPT Permissions/Roles
  • In progress
  • Update DPT Permissions/Roles

    Request from Angela Gisselman for DPT-PHX program and DPT-PHX Workflow to create roles where she can have an “assistant chair” and a “second screener” with different levels of access to their bins and review forms.



    Steps taken:

    1. Created two new custom permissions to use for implementing the requested access/abilities:

      1. Bins: DPT Assistant Chair

      2. Review Forms: DPT Chair

    2. To control what bins are viewable in the DPT-PHX workflow, I updated the “read” custom permission for bins group: Application Review, as follows.



    Custom Read Permission




    Custom Read Permission



    Awaiting Submission, Awaiting Materials, HOLD-Potential Issue

    Bins: DPT Chair

    No change; kept “Bins: DPT Chair”

    Interview Screening

    Int Screening - First Review

    Bins: DPT Assistant Chair

    Changed from “Bins: DPT Chair” to “Bins: DPT Assistant Chair”

    Interview Screening

    Int Screening - Second Review

    Bins: DPT Second Screener

    No change; kept “Bins: DPT Second Screener”

    Interview Screening

    HOLD - Int Potential

    Bins: DPT Assistant Chair

    Changed from “Bins: DPT Chair” to “Bins: DPT Assistant Chair”

    Interview Screening

    Do Not Interview

    Bins: DPT Assistant Chair

    Changed from “Bins: DPT Chair” to “Bins: DPT Assistant Chair”


    Invite to Interview

    Bins: DPT Assistant Chair

    Changed from “Bins: DPT Chair” to “Bins: DPT Assistant Chair”


    Faculty Review

    Bins: DPT Reviewer

    No change; kept “Bins: DPT Reviewer”


    Full Committee Review

    Bins: DPT Reviewer

    No change; kept “Bins: DPT Reviewer”

    Final Review

    Final Chair Review

    Bins: DPT Chair

    No change; kept “Bins: DPT Chair”

    Final Review

    Admit - Pending Outreach

    Bins: DPT Assistant Chair

    Changed from “Bins: DPT Second Screener” to “Bins: DPT Assistant Chair”

    Final Review

    Final Admissions Review

    Bins: DPT Chair

    No change; kept “Bins: DPT Chair”

    Final Decision

    Admit, Waitlist, Deny

    Bins: DPT Assistant Chair

    Changed from “Bins: DPT Chair” to “Bins: DPT Assistant Chair”

    1. To control which forms are viewable (and therefore available to fill out and submit), I then added filters to the review forms as configured in the Workflow to restrict access by custom permission.

      1. The role of “assistant chair” will now be able to view bins that have forms attached they may or may not be allowed to submit; technically they can’t submit a form without adding it to their queue/having it assigned anyway, however since users can add files to their own queues (sometimes accidentally) preventing visibility of the form seemed worth it (plus I recently learned how to do this so might as well try it out).

      2. The forms in bins that we want to restrict should only be submitted by the Chair, so I created the custom permission of “Review Form: DPT Chair” to accomplish this. I wanted to use a custom permission, rather than filtering on role (which is possible), because permissions can become so layered and complex that I wanted to keep consistent with “access to objects is restricted by custom permission” as much as possible. Unfortunately, when testing, I couldn’t get the filters configured right using permission, so had to use role. will post in forum to see if it is possible.

      3. To do this, go into Workflows > Edit Workflow > DPT-PHX Application Review > Review Forms and then edit. Open each form that you want to permission/restrict and apply a subquery filter:


        1. Remember to refresh the configurable joins library after you add any new custom permissions/roles so they are available to filter.

        2. I learned this in a webinar where they said to use the “lookup” table when it is available because that was “best practice” (although hilarously no one could articulate why in the webinar, including Technolutions staff).

        3. Found this follow up post in forums: https://knowledge.technolutions.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/17874548946843-Workflows-Permissions-Conversation-Follow-Up?page=1#community_comment_19013104779547

        4. If you have more than one bin associated with a form, Slate is going to link them together. This was fine until I needed to add these filters, so I ended up unlinking the bins in the Review Forms tool so I could sometimes restrict by filter and sometimes not.

        5. I didn’t add this filter to any form that was in a bin that was already only viewable by the Chair, per the custom permission configurations.

    2. Next I updated the existing Roles to add/update the custom permissions to align with this new plan.

      1. These roles are specifically configured to population-aware roles and assigned via the Populations tool in User permissions, so the “umbrella” over all these permissions and custom permissions within the Role is access to the application-scoped population of “Permission: DPT-PHX Application.”


    Custom Permission(s)



    Custom Permission(s)


    PP-A DPT: Faculty Admissions Chair

    Bins: DPT Reviewer, Bins: DPT Second Screener, Bins: DPT Assistant Chair, Bins: DPT Chair, Review Forms: DPT Chair

    This role has the most access, so is given all DPT bin permissions plus the review forms permission to be able to view/submit forms in bins not restricted only to the Chair.

    PP-A DPT: Faculty Admissions Assistant Chair

    Bins: DPT Reviewer, Bins: DPT Second Screener, Bins: DPT Assistant Chair

    This role is to allow an individual to assist the Chair and so has the second-highest level of access; not given the custom permissions specific to DPT Chair.

    PP-A DPT: Faculty Admissions Second Screener

    Bins: DPT Reviewer, Bins: DPT Second Screener

    This is for the second screener, so only adds in one additional bin (and therefore form) to the “standard” reviewer.

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