Population-based permissions in Workflows
  • In progress
  • Population-based permissions in Workflows

    GSBS Reader was rebuilt as workflows, and permissions were set based on this article: https://knowledge.technolutions.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/6395720055963-Sharing-a-workaround-for-a-quirk-RE-new-Workflow-Editor-and-Reader-Permission

    As noted in the comments, there is a major hitch in the speed with which bin contents resolve; waiting for updates from Technolutions.

    Stephen Bates
    Hello all,

    The latest update I have on this behavior is that the deployed solution from our engineers has been temporarily rolled back and is in the process of being adjusted before it will be deployed again.

    Jake's aforementioned workaround of manually assigning files would work for the time being if your readers are currently assigning files to their own queues, as this will remove the need for them to access the Browse and Search tabs where the timeouts are occurring.

    Alternatively, you could look to fully automate queue assignment within your bin(s). Please remember that workflows rebuild your queue assignment whenever your rules run for a record, so manual adjustments would result in reassignment to the queue specified within your rules. You will need to create a high priority rule in this exclusivity group to "Do Nothing" while a queue assignment exists if you want to allow manual assignment as well, and the queue assignment will need to be cleared by your staff members before the file will qualify for further automated bin movement.

    We'll provide an update within this thread alongside any open requests as soon as another update is available!


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