PA Interview Workflow

PA Interview Workflow

Slate Instance



Rachael Littlehale





Summary Description

Create an interface in Slate for PA interviewers to review applicant materials and submit the review rubric after interviewing the candidate.


Detailed description of desired deliverable:



Slate Workflow/Portal

Interviewer Rubric/Submission
Bin Views




Beth has requested that “debrief leaders” have the ability to edit interviewer comments in Slate. Debrief leaders are



Query to view interviewees with





CASPA® Resources for Programs | PAEA


4/2/2024 Meeting w/Program, Pt. 1

Questions for program:

  1. For Slate Workflow:

    1. What parts of the application do interviewers need to see?

      1. Full App PDF as it comes out of WebAdMIT (doesn’t have transcripts, does seem to have everything else)

      2. “Profile” we created last year (already a custom PDF)

    2. Rubric = form that interviewer submits after interviewing the candidate?

      1. Yes this is the rubric. Can remove question abotu PA/MPH and combine the strengths/weaknesses into one paragraph text box.

  2. For interview invite/scheduling process

    1. Still using interview offer date custom field in CASPA? Probably, Nate will need to do this.

  3. Rachael email 2/20 requested “how to” video, this is instructions for interviewers to access Slate, review app materials, and submit their feedback, correct?

    1. Yes, also can provide PDF documentation

  4. Rachel email on 3/26 for “reports”

    1. Do you want these to be spreadsheets or PDFs?

      1. Spreadsheets

    2. Questions about specific fields in the spreadsheet

      1. Rachael will provide WebAdMIT fieldnames

  5. Permissions

    1. Besides interviewers and “debrief leaders” are there others who will access the workflow?

      1. See email from Rachael following the meeting


PA Program Spreadsheet

CASPA Source Field (API)

Slate Source Field

PA Program Spreadsheet

CASPA Source Field (API)

Slate Source Field



CAS/Liaison Persion ID

Last Name


Last Name

First Name


First Name

Middle Name


Middle Name

Email Address


Email Address

Repeat Candidate








Military Veteran or Military Veteran Status?

Age at Submission





Current Mailing Address State



Primary college



Primary college

Science GPA



PreReq GPA



Overall GPA



App Score

Scoring: Application Score Score


Interview 1 Score



Interview 2 Score



Total Score



Interviewer 1 Comments



Interviewer 1 Rec



Interviewer 2 Comments



Interviewer 2 Rec



Final Decision



Date PID sent to admissions



Pt Care Hours

Patient Care Experience: Total Hours





Workflow View Queries

To limit the output of the field value to be related to Interviewer 1 or Interviewer 2:

Start with a subquery export set to output = coalese. Then add a subquery export and add an export for the value you want to export if additional conditions are met. Then add a subquery filter to calculate if the current user (username) matches the username of the value of interviewer 1. If that is true, then the subquery export will populate with whatever was set for the export.

Set up the second subquery export for the next possible value in the same way, then save.


To filter the view so the only results in the Reader are for candidates where the interviewer/reader is the one currently looking at the reader (i.e., can only see your own candidates in the Reader bin view):

In the View, add a subquery filter and set aggregate = comparison. Join to current user. Join Application to Form Responses, then Form Responses to Form Submitter. Join Form Responses to Form.

Add an export for current user username and an export for form submitter username, and set those as the two values you are comparing. Add filter for the form title to limit results to only the reader review form you need.




Custom PDF for Reader Form

After too much troubleshooting issues, here is what I have learned about creating a custom PDF for the reader review form:

  • The merge query does not matter. There is “native” support for a custom PDF of the reader form, and the merge query doesn’t seem to work and/or be necessary.

  • Any fields you want merged in from the review form should be pre-pended with “form_” when added to the custom PDF in the file editor. This will cycle through the submitted values on the form if there is more than one reader form submitted and generate however many custom PDFs are needed in the reader to show all submitted form results.

  • You can add merge fields to the custom PDF that are not from the form for general applicant information (e.g. “name” can be used to fill in the applicant’s name, and shouldn’t be labeled as “form_name” in the file editor.

These are the standard merge fields for forms:

  • form_user = name of faculty/reviewer who submitted the form

  • form_timestamp = date of when the form was submitted

To get your custom field labels you just need to add “form_” to the beginning of the label you used for the export key in the form builder. Example:

In the form:

In the file editor:


In the reader:









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