MOU / DPT Tracking

MOU / DPT Tracking

Slate Instance



Hannah Fridy





Summary Description

The DPT programs are creating “memos of understanding” with other universitites that will guarantee interviews/enrollment for candidates. Need to track this at the inquiry and the applicant level in Slate.


Detailed description of desired deliverable:

Admissions and the program want to track leads/inquiries and applicants who are in their enrollment funnel who also attend these schools. The goal is to identify these records in any enrollment funnel reporting as well as to be able to identify them during the application review process, as these students have different prerequisite



Questions for program:

  • Multiple Uof AZ campuses, all of them count?

  • Only the primary school? (Where degree earned)?





  • MOU Attendee (Possible) mou_attendee_possible

    • Rule: Add when email address contains the URL of matching school

  • MOU Attendee mou_attendee

    • Rule: Add when has inquiry details row with MOU partner school identified

    • Rule: Add when has school (primary) that is MOU partner

    • Manual: Update on the details tab.

  • Inquiry Details - MOU Partner School

    • Upload list or use in form specific for MOU recruitment events.


  • MOU Applicant (Attendee) mou_app_attends

    • Rule: Add when primary school is a MOU partner school

  • MOU Applicant (Approved by Partner) mou_app_approved

    • Manual: Y when MOU partner provides list of approved and application exists.




Email Suffix

Slate Key / CEEB

CAS/Liaison College Code

Updated in Slate



Email Suffix

Slate Key / CEEB

CAS/Liaison College Code

Updated in Slate


Arizona State University



666935, 011081, 666984, 001081


Grand Canyon University





University of IL Urbana-Champaign





Central Washington University





Pacific Lutheran University





University of Maryland - Eastern Shore





Penn State University





James Madison University





Western Washington University





Seattle Pacific University






MOU Tracking in TUP Slate


Records (person-scoped, inquiry)

There are 4 ways to identify person-scoped records that have some relationship to a MOU partner school:

  1. The student contacted us via email from an email address with the domain of a MOU school.

  2. The student submitted an application in PTCAS and listed a MOU school as their primary college attended record.

  3. The information about the student was provided to us by the MOU school directly (lead list upload).

  4. The student attended an event or otherwise submitted an inquiry form where they could identify themselves as having attended an MOU school.

Email Address

If a record is created in Slate and the email address associated with the record includes a URL suffix identified as belonging to a MOU school, there is a rule in Slate that will update the person-scoped field MOU Attendee (Possible) to ‘Yes.’

Submitted PTCAS Application

If a student submits an application in PTCAS and their academic history includes a school which is identified as an MOU partner school as the primary institution attended then there is a rule in Slate that will update the person-scoped field MOU Attendee to ‘Yes' and there is a second rule that will update the application-scoped field on that application to MOU Applicant (Attendee) to ‘Yes.’

Lead List Upload

If a list of students (inquiries) is provided by the the MOU school, it should be uploaded via Upload Dataset. In addition to mapping the necessary fields, the following should be added to the source:

  • Inquiry Details > MOU Partner School (prompt list of school names)

Event Attendee (Form Submission)

If there are events (info sessions, graduate fairs, etc.) which are unique to MOU school populations, there should be an event template form created specifically for these events which includes the following (in addition to the usual fields collected):

  • Inquiry Details > MOU Partner School (prompt list of school names)

Applications (application-scoped, applicant)

There are 3 ways to identify an application as having a relationship to an MOU school:

  1. The student submitted an application in PTCAS and listed a MOU school as their primary college attended record.

  2. The MOU partner school provided a list of students who are eligible/approved under the MOU agreement.

Submitted PTCAS Application

If a student submits an application in PTCAS and their academic history includes a school which is identified as an MOU partner school as the primary institution attended then there is a rule in Slate that will update the application-scoped field on that application to MOU Applicant (Attendee) to ‘Yes.’

List Provided by MOU Partner of “approved” students

When a list is provided by an MOU partern of approved students, the MOU Applicant (Approved by Partner) field on that application can be updated to ‘Yes.’

Custom Fields

Organization Records

A custom field has been added to the organization-scoped table for MOU Partner (org_dpt_mou). This is a bit field (Y/N) and when an organization (college or university) is identified as a MOU Partner, this field should be updated to Y.

This allows any school records entered into Slate that match with the Organization record (by CEEB code) to be identified as associated with an MOU Partner school in queries, reports, and rules.

Person Records

Two custom fields have been added to the person-scoped table to track person/inquiry records with relationships to MOU partners:

  • MOU Attendee (Possible): a bit (Y/N) field that is updated to Y when a person record is suspected of having a relationship to an MOU school, currently by a rule that looks for MOU partner school URLs in email records.

  • MOU Attendee: a bit (Y/N) field that is updated to Y when a person record is confirmed to have a relationship with an MOU school, currently by a rule that looks to see if there are Inquiry Details records on the Person record that have a MOU school identified.

Inquiry Details Records

A new custom field was added to the inquiry details table for MOU Partner School. This is a ‘single value’ field that is attached to the mou_schools prompt key. The mou_schools prompt list is all the schools we have MOU partnerships with.

This should be used in forms and in source uploads when adding new leads/inquiries/records to Slate and we are aware they are associated with a specific school, in addition to the other necessary inquiry details fields.

There is a rule in Slate that looks for inquiry details rows where MOU Partner School ‘exists’ (or has a value) and if it does, then Slate updates the person-scoped MOU Attendee field to ‘Yes.’

In combination with the MOU Attendee field, this field allows for querying and reporting on person records in a binary way (is or is not a MOU Attendee) as well as by school (when that information is available).

Application Records

Two new custom fields were added to the application table to track MOU partnerships:

  • MOU Applicant (Attendee): a bit field (Y/N) that is updated to Y when the application record is associated with a person or school record that has been identified as related to an MOU agreement.

  • MOU Applicant (Approved by Partner): a bit field (Y/N) that is updated to Y when the application record is confirmed to be “approved” by the partner school as qualifying for the MOU agreement.


Person Rules

Add MOU Attendee Possible - Email - Updates MOU Attendee (Possible) to Yes if email address contains MOU parter school domain.

Add MOU Attendee - Inquiry Details - Updates MOU Attendee to Yes if there is an inquiry details row with an MOU partner school field.

Add MOU Attendee - School - Updates MOU Attendee to Yes if there is a school record associated with the person (identified as ‘primary’) that is associated with an organization record identified as an MOU school.

Application Rules

Add MOU Applicant - School Attended - Updates MOU Applicant (Attendee) to ‘Yes’ if the application is in a DPT round, the primary school is an MOU partner, and the application was created after 6/1/2024.

Dashboards / Tabs

Person Dashboard

If the person record has MOU Attendee (Possible) = Yes and no other MOU fields in the record or application are Yes, then the dashboard will display this:



If the person record has MOU Attendee = Yes for their person record and/or MOU Applicant (Attendee) or MOU Applicant (Approved by Partner) in one of their application records, then dashboard will display this:


Details Tab

The two person-scoped MOU Attendee fields have been added to the details tab here, so they can be edited as needed:



Application Dashboard

If the application record has a MOU Applicant (Attendee) = Yes and the MOU Applicant (Approved by Program) is not Yes, then the application dashboard will display this:


If the application record has a MOU Applicant (Approved by Program) = Yes, then the application dashboard will display this:


Application Tab

The two application-scoped MOU Applicant fields have been added to the Application Details (PTCAS) tab here, so they can be edited as needed:


Reader Dashboard

If the application record has a MOU Applicant (Attendee) = Yes and the MOU Applicant (Approved by Program) is not Yes, then the application dashboard will display this:



If the application record has a MOU Applicant (Approved by Program) = Yes, then the application dashboard will display this:



When New Partnerships are Created:

  1. Update the organization record of the associated college or university so MOU Partner = Yes.

  2. Add the school to the mou_schools prompt list so it is available in the MOU Partner list in the inquiry details table.

  3. Add school email URL to the Add MOU Attendee Possible - Email rule. (Edit formula and add additional LIKE statement).








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