Installing LANDesk 9.6 Test Agent
Installing LANDesk 9.6 Test Agent
There are two ways that you can install the LANDesk 9.6 Test Agent. Manually installing the agent or pushing out the LANDesk 9.6 Test Agent via the Distribution Package in the current LANDesk 9.5 Production Core - located under Public->Tufts->Landesk
There are a few agents available for the test core. They are located here: \\titan\ldeskpackages$\ANDesk Agents\LANDesk 9.6 TEST AGENTS\
- Tufts_96_Default_with_status_TABVMLDESKTST
- Tufts_96_Default_TABVMLDESKTST
- Tufts_96_MAC_Default.mpkg.zip
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