Box Service Description
Available to
Tufts faculty, students, staff (and affiliates!)
Members of the tufts box environment must:
- Have a email alias and be able to recieve email sent to it
- Have a valid Tufts Username and Tufts Password
Allows you to easily share and collaborate on files and other documents with people inside and outside of Tufts. You can access your Box account using your Tufts Username (UTLN) and Tufts Password.
Online workspace for collaborative work
- Share files with team members
- Allow team members to upload files
- Group discussions and comments
20GB of quota for all faculty, staff and students
File sharing
- Upload a file to Box, then send a link to share it with a colleague
- Set access permissions - control who can upload new files or change existing files and folders
- Maintain one copy of a document rather than emailing and managing multiple copies
Ubiquitous access
- Access your files on all of your devices - tablets, smartphones, laptops, desktops. No need to carry multiple devices around with you.
- Manage and view files of different formats
- Use Box to share your Google Docs files - how to connect Google Docs to Box account
How to get a Box account
You access Box using your Tufts Username (UTLN) and Tufts Password. To create a box account visit and click "Continue." when prompted, enter your Tufts Username and Tufts Password to provision your account.
Information on the Tufts IT Knowledgebase is intended for IT Professionals at Tufts.
If you have a question about a Tufts IT service or computer/account support, please contact your IT support group.