Box Communications

Box Communications

Box Communications

Personal-Opt-In Communication

Introduction to Box for UIT & ITS staff

Subject: Please consider joining us on Box

**Note: If you are currently using Tufts’ Enterprise Box service as a part of the pilot, please feel free to stop reading this message.**

Good Morning/Afternoon,

Tufts is preparing to offer university Box.com storage accounts to Faculty, Staff, and Students in the spring of 2013. Please consider participating in our pilot of this service. Joining is aa simple as visiting http://tufts.box.com and choosing "continue" to sign in with your Tufts Username and Password.

Box is a private cloud storage resource available to all members of the Tufts community. Data and files stored in the Box account are accessible anywhere an Internet connection is present and includes the option to share selected content with anyone.

Features of Box include:

  • 20GB of storage per person (maximum individual file size of 1GB for website uploads)
  • Log in uses Tufts Username and Tufts Password
  • Content stored in the Box is accessible from any computer, tablet, or mobile device
  • Online workspace for collaborative work
  • Includes tools for group discussions and comments

If you have any questions, please respond to this email and someone will be in touch to assist.

Thank you!

Judi Vellucci
Manager, UIT Technology Support Center

Introduction to Strategic Planning Committee

Good Afternoon Lee,

In an effort to foster rich collaboration amongst members of the Enabling Services, Technologies, and Resources Committee, David Kahle has requested that each team member have access to Box.com so a folder of resources may be shared. Box is a private cloud storage resource currently being piloted that will be made available to all members of the Tufts community in the Spring of 2013. To join, simply visit http://tufts.box.com and choose "continue" to sign in with your Tufts Username and Password. Data and files stored in Box will be accessible anywhere an Internet connection is present.

Features of Box include:

· 20GB of storage per person (maximum individual file size of 1GB for website uploads)
· Log in via Tufts Username and Tufts Password
· Content stored in the Box is accessible from any computer, tablet, or mobile device
· Online workspace for collaborative work
· Includes tools for group discussions and comments

If you have any questions, please contact anyone at the UIT Support Center at (617) 627-3376.

Thank you!

Lee Raymond
University Information Technology (UIT)

Invitation to FSP/SAT to Join Box

Subject: A gift for you - in a shiny new Box

***Note: If you are currently using Tufts’ Enterprise Box service as a part of the pilot, please feel free to stop reading this message. Additional details to be shared at Thursday's SAT meeting.***

Good Morning,
Tufts is preparing to offer university Box.com storage accounts to Faculty, Staff, and Students in the spring of 2013. Please consider participating in our pilot of this service. Joining is as simple as visiting http://tufts.box.com and choosing "continue" to sign in with your Tufts Username and Password.

Box is a private cloud storage resource available to all members of the Tufts community. Data and files stored in the Box account are accessible anywhere an Internet connection is present and includes the option to share selected content with anyone.

Features of Box include:

  • 20GB of storage per person (maximum individual file size of 1GB for website uploads)
  • Log in uses Tufts Username and Tufts Password
  • Content stored in the Box is accessible from any computer, tablet, or mobile device
  • Online workspace for collaborative work
  • Includes tools for group discussions and comments

We will be discussing the Box service and our plans for the roll out at Thursday's SAT meeting. Please bring all of your questions and topics of discussion to the SAT meeting.

Thank you!

Judi Vellucci
Manager, UIT Technology Support Center

Introduction to Box for Pilot Users - Final

Subject: Box Pilot Program: A New and Efficient Way to Store and Share Information at Tufts

Dear Colleague,

Tufts recently purchased a university-wide license for Box.com, a flexible storage service and collaboration tool that allows users to save non-sensitive data in the cloud. Stored documents are accessible anywhere, anytime, and from any device with a connection to the Internet. Files designated by the user may be shared with others to facilitate teaching, learning, research, and collaboration. Although Box.com is not suitable for sensitive information, it may also be used to sync local hard drive files to automatically provide a backup of local computing devices.

Tufts is preparing to offer university-sponsored Box.com storage accounts to faculty, staff, and students in the spring of 2013. To prepare for the launch of this service, we are conducting a small pilot so that we’re better able to meet the needs of the larger population when the time comes. You have been chosen to potentially participate in the pilot and we’d be pleased if you would consider joining. If you’d like to join the pilot, visit http://tufts.box.com and choose "continue" to sign in with your Tufts Username and Password. Once logged in, the program will walk you through the Box.com sign-up process.

Features of Box include:

• Log in with Tufts Username and Tufts Password
• Content stored in Box is accessible from any computer, tablet, or mobile device
• Online workspace for collaborative work
• Includes tools for group discussions and comments
• Personalize notification preferences across entire account
• 20GB of storage per person (maximum individual file size of 1GB for website uploads)

If you have any questions or concerns or would like to learn more about Box.com, please feel free to respond to this email. We are excited about this new service and look forward to your feedback.

Thank you,

Judi Vellucci
Manager, UIT Technology Support Center

Box Pilot User Survey

Subject: Box Pilot Program: Survey Request


We would like to sincerely thank you for participating in our Box.com pilot program. We’ve developed a survey to assist us in gathering feedback about your experiences. Please take a few moments to complete this brief 5 question survey:


If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to respond to this email. We are excited about this new service and look forward to your feedback.

Thank you,

Judi Vellucci
Manager, UIT Technology Support Center

Box Post Service Announcement

Tufts Technology Services (TTS) has purchased a university-wide license for Box.com, a flexible storage service and collaboration tool that allows users to save non-sensitive data in the cloud. Content stored on Box.com is accessible anywhere, anytime, and from any device with a connection to the Internet. Files designated by the user may be shared with others to facilitate teaching, learning, research, and collaboration. Although Box.com is not suitable for sensitive information, it may be used to sync local hard drive files to automatically provide a backup of local computing devices.

All Tufts faculty, staff and students are eligible to use Box.com.

• Content stored in Box is accessible from any computer, tablet, or mobile device
• Provides online workspace for collaborative projects
• Includes tools for group discussions and comments
• Offers the option to personalize accounts notification preferences
• Supports files up to 1 GB in size
• Uses your Tufts Username and Tufts Password for login

To learn more about the service, enable your own account, or read our tip sheets, visit Tufts Technology Services new website at http://it.tufts.edu/box.

If you have any questions about Box.com, please contact the TTS client support center at 617-627-3376 or email us at it@tufts.edu.

Information on the Tufts IT Knowledgebase is intended for IT Professionals at Tufts.
If you have a question about a Tufts IT service or computer/account support, please contact your IT support group.