Box Service Accounts

Box Service Accounts

Box service accounts are used when you want an automated service to upload/download files from box.com, independent of any human user account. For example, a scheduled job might produce some data, and you want to automatically upload it to a shared folder where users can then access it, or you want users to be able to edit files in their box folder, which is shared to the service account and a client is running on a server, so the users can automatically publish their changes to the server by merely making edits in their box directory.

Email address creation:

  1. Login to elist.
  2. Create List
    1. Choose a List Name
    2. Confidential list setup
    3. Subject: a short description
    4. Topics: As far as I can tell, irrelevant. Choose "Other"
    5. Click "Create"
    6. Now it's created, you can go to "Admin" on the left
  3. Admin
    1. Edit List Config
      1. List Definition
        1. By default, you were added as an owner (you can see this under Edit List Config > List Definition)
        2. Add any other owners you want, by simply entering them into the blank field and then clicking "Update." Repeat as necessary; a new blank field will appear each time.
      2. Sending/Receiving Setup
        1. Who can send? Anyone (public). You need box.com to be able to send confirmation email to this list and receive that email.
    2. Manage Subscribers
      1. Notice, owners don't receive email sent to the list. You have to subscribe.

Box account creation:

  1. In a browser that's not logged into box.com as yourself, https://box.com > Get Started > Individual Plans > Free > Signup.
  2. Fullname something like "Jenkins Prod" or "Jenkins Dev" or whatever's appropriate
  3. Email address the elist you just created.
  4. Password: Randomly generated in KeePass, stored in the "Box.com Service Accounts" section
  5. Phone number: (617) 627-3376   (the IT helpdesk line)
  6. You receive a confirmation email.
    1. On first login, you're prompted to choose "For Personal Use" or "For Work."

      Choose "For Personal Use"


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