Box Service Accounts
Box service accounts are used when you want an automated service to upload/download files from, independent of any human user account. For example, a scheduled job might produce some data, and you want to automatically upload it to a shared folder where users can then access it, or you want users to be able to edit files in their box folder, which is shared to the service account and a client is running on a server, so the users can automatically publish their changes to the server by merely making edits in their box directory.
Email address creation:
- Login to elist.
- Create List
- Choose a List Name
- Confidential list setup
- Subject: a short description
- Topics: As far as I can tell, irrelevant. Choose "Other"
- Click "Create"
- Now it's created, you can go to "Admin" on the left
- Admin
- Edit List Config
- List Definition
- By default, you were added as an owner (you can see this under Edit List Config > List Definition)
- Add any other owners you want, by simply entering them into the blank field and then clicking "Update." Repeat as necessary; a new blank field will appear each time.
- Sending/Receiving Setup
- Who can send? Anyone (public). You need to be able to send confirmation email to this list and receive that email.
- List Definition
- Manage Subscribers
- Notice, owners don't receive email sent to the list. You have to subscribe.
- Edit List Config
Box account creation:
- In a browser that's not logged into as yourself, > Get Started > Individual Plans > Free > Signup.
- Fullname something like "Jenkins Prod" or "Jenkins Dev" or whatever's appropriate
- Email address the elist you just created.
- Password: Randomly generated in KeePass, stored in the " Service Accounts" section
- Phone number: (617) 627-3376 (the IT helpdesk line)
- You receive a confirmation email.
- On first login, you're prompted to choose "For Personal Use" or "For Work."
Choose "For Personal Use"
- On first login, you're prompted to choose "For Personal Use" or "For Work."
Information on the Tufts IT Knowledgebase is intended for IT Professionals at Tufts.
If you have a question about a Tufts IT service or computer/account support, please contact your IT support group.