Fixing Mac computer names in LANDesk Inventory
Fixing Mac computer names in LANDesk Inventory
IMPORTANT:Â Â Macs are typically assigned their computer names by DNS in LANDesk which causes problems in our environment. Â In order for the Mac to show up properly in LANDesk it is recommended that you manually assign your Mac a hostname.
- Log into the desired macintosh as a local administrator
- Under Sharing within System Preferences, change the computer name to match the name within AD
- Run the Terminal program
- execute: sudo nano /etc/hostconfig
- You will be asked to authorize, use the credentials for the local admin account you are currently logged in as.
- Add the line:
- Hit Control+O, then press enter to save the changes
- Hit Control+X to exit nano
- Enter:
where computername is the name of the machine on the Tufts domain.
sudo scutil --set HostName "computername"
- Exit terminal
- execute: sudo nano /etc/hostconfig
- Allow 10-15 minutes for the machine to update in the LANDesk Inventory after restarting.
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