Applications patched by Landesk agent
Applications patched by Landesk agent
Support Systems currently maintains a set of software that is automatically patched by the Landesk agent. Current software patches can be found in Landesk under Patch and compliance->Groups->Public Custom Groups->TTS Approved. That list includes the following applications:
- 7zip
- Acrobat Pro
- Adium
- Adobe Photoshop CS5
- Adobe Illustrator CS5
- Adobe Air
- Adobe Reader
- Adobe Shockwave Player
- Filezilla
- Mozilla Firefox
- Adobe Flash Player
- Google Chrome
- Google Earth
- Java
- Some OS X and Windows security patches
- Microsoft Office for Mac
- Opera
- Quicktime
- Real Player
- Apple Remote Desktop client
- Safari
- Silverlight
- Skype
- Mozilla Thunderbird
- Winamp
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