Merlin 4.2 Install

Merlin 4.2 Install


Merlin 4.2 is a photo-database software that enables users to tag photos with multiple labels to allow them to be referenced and cross referenced to provide strong search results. While this particular program will likely only be utilized by the Web, PR and Communications Groups at 80 George St - the install process is a bit tricky and is worth documenting just to save you time down the road.

This is intended as a quick reference guide, but as changes are made to our policies or the program, feel free to modify this document.


Merlin requires an up to date version of Quicktime, so make sure you download it on the client's computer and install it. In most cases the user will not have admin rights to their own computer, so it is important to select "Run As." on the file in order to install it in their workspace using your admin account

Right click the
install file and
select "Run As."

A dialog window
will pop up, you want
to log in as a specified
user, like admin01 did.


Once Merlin is setup, it is important to configure the server settings before trying to log in to the server. The default settings for Merlin is to search the local host ( Go to Utilities, Preferences, Servers and input the necessary IP address for the server and close Merlin.

Now that this is saved, it is necessary to adjust the write permissions on the files in the Merlin directory, as the installer does not have an option to do this.

Navigate to C:\Program Files\T-One\Merlin\ in explorer, then enter the Pref's directory (which were saved when we setup the server options.)

Select all of the files in the Prefs directory and right click them, you want to go to properties to adjust their security permissions.

Modify the permissions on the file so that the user has Full control and apply the changes. They are all set now to use Merlin.

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