Support Advisory Team (SAT)

Support Advisory Team (SAT)


The Support Advisory Team (SAT) was created to enhance communication among IT service organizations at Tufts. Led by UIT Support Services and composed of managers and IT professionals supporting central and school-based initiatives across Tufts, this group is responsible for informing the selection and implementation of IT products and processes and for coordinating and communicating services and policies that advance the local use of technology at Tufts.

The SAT is held monthly on the first Thursday of the month.

Additional information can be found at http://go.tufts.edu/sat

Meeting Minutes

Minutes are available on the SAT wiki but are not public. Everyone who is on the FSP elist should have access although access is controlled manually. If you believe you should have access but cannot see the meeting minutes, please send an email to it@tufts.edu to request access.

Information on the Tufts IT Knowledgebase is intended for IT Professionals at Tufts.
If you have a question about a Tufts IT service or computer/account support, please contact your IT support group.