Ideas for May 2nd SAT
Ideas for May 2nd SAT
1. What types of discussions or announcements should be held at SAT?
- Information about planned outages should be be communicated through infoboard instead of SAT (gmoore02)
- Should desktop support groups be more active in presenting topics even if they aren't relevant to everyone in attendance? (gmoore02)
- Should SAT strictly used for discussion and feedback or should it be used to announce/communicate information? (gmoore02)
- Should affinity groups present at SAT?
2. What sort of presentation format & content do we (as a team) request at SAT?
- Possibility of templates for common types of communication (for example, Template for University Issue)
- Do we have a process for recommending policy changes or bringing topics to ITLF?
3. How do we make information dissemination from SAT more effective?
- When possible, detailed notes should be added to the agenda prior to the meeting to encourage people to come prepared to discuss topics (gmoore02)
- People should review the meeting minutes afterwards to ensure they are comprehensive and accurate or the minutes should be ratified after each meeting (gmoore02)
- SAT minutes should be shared with the FSP elist and added to ITKB, including relevant ITKB links when applicable (gmoore02)
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