Elist Commands
SYMPA – Systeme de Multi-Postage Automatique (Automatic Mailing System)
User's Guide
SYMPA is an electronic mailing-list manager that automates list management functions such as subscriptions, moderation, and archive management.
All commands must be sent to the address sympa@elist.tufts.edu
You can put multiple commands in a message. These commands must appear in the message body and each line must contain only one command.
Available commands are:
HELp * This help file
INFO <list> * Information about a list
LISts * Directory of lists managed on this node
REView <list> * Displays the subscribers to <list>
WHICH * Displays which lists you are subscribed to
SUBscribe <list> <name> * To subscribe or to confirm a subscription to <list>.
UNSubscribe <list> <EMAIL> * To quit <list>. <EMAIL> is an optional email address, useful if different from your "From:" address.
UNSubscribe * <EMAIL> * To quit all lists.
SET <list>|* NOMAIL * To suspend the message reception for <list>
SET <list>|* DIGEST * Message reception in compilation mode
SET <list|*> DIGESTPLAIN * Message reception in compilation mode, sent as a plain text email with all attachments
SET <list>|* SUMMARY * Receiving the message index only
SET <list>|* NOTICE * Receiving message subject only
SET <list>|* MAIL * <list> reception in normal mode
SET <list>|* CONCEAL * To become unlisted (hidden subscriber address)
SET <list>|* NOCONCEAL * Subscriber address visible via REView
INDex <list> * <list> archive file list
GET <list> <file> * To get <file> of <list> archive
LAST <list> * Used to received the last message from <list>
INVITE <list> <email> * Invite <email> for subscription in <list>
CONFIRM <key> * Confirmation for sending a message (depending on the list configuration)
QUIT * Indicates the end of the commands (to ignore a signature)
The following commands are available only for list owners or moderators:
ADD <list> user@host Full name * To add a user to a list
DEL <list> user@host * To delete a user from a list
STATS <list> * To consult the statistics for <list>
REMIND <list> * Send a reminder message to each subscriber (this is a way to inform anyone what is his real subscribing email).
DISTribute <list> <key> * Moderation: to validate a message
REJect <list> <key> * Moderation: to reject a message
MODINDEX <list> * Moderation: to view the list of messages to moderate
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