Elist Configuration

Elist Configuration

Elist Admin Support - Edit List Configuration

Edit List Config

Reference the

for a detailed explanation of all configuration options.

List Definition

  • Subject of the List - Allows you to change the short description that is displayed on the "List of Lists" and also on the list-panel on the right hand side of the login.
  • Visibility of the List - Changing the visibility of the list affects whether it can be found on the "List of Lists" 
  • Owner - You may edit information on the current owners, erase their information to remove them, or enter information into the blank fields to add a new owner.
    • To adjust the privileges on Owners, you must be the list creator or have a list admin assist you.
  • Moderator - You may edit contact information, erase information to remove a moderator or enter information in the blank fields to add a new moderator
  • Topics for the course - This allows you to help have the E-list categorized by selecting topics that the list falls into.

Sending/Reception Setup

Who can Send Messages

Sending/Reception Permissions


Not Permitted (Closed)

No one can post to this list.  All messages to the list will generate a bounce, including messages from list owners and moderators.

Subscribers, Moderators and Owners (Default)

Everyone who is subscribed to the list may post to it.  No messages will be blocked for confirmation.

Moderators and owner; no authentication (Editor)

All moderators and list owners may post to this list.  No one else, including subscribers, will be able to post. Messages from moderators and owners will go through without requiring confirmation.  All other messages will generate a bounce.

Moderators and owner; requires authentication (Editor_auth, editorkey,editoronlyauth)

All moderators and list owners may post to this list, but messages will be held pending confirmation.  Sympa will mail list owners and moderators requesting confirmation that the mail is valid.  No one else, including subscribers, will be able to post, and attempted messages will generate a bounce.

Subscribers, Moderators, owner and Tufts users (intranet)

Anyone with a Tufts email address may post to this list, as well as all subscribers, owners, and moderators.  Messages that seem to come from Tufts will go through without moderation, regardless of whether the sender is subscribed to the list.

Owners only; no authentication (Owner)

Owners may post to this list.  Moderators and subscribers may not.  Messages from owners will go through without requiring confirmation.

Owners only; requires authentication (Owner_auth)

Owners may post to this list.  Moderators and subscribers may not.  Messages from owners will go through only after receiving confirmation.

Subscribers, Owners and moderators (private)

Only subscribers, moderators and moderators may post to the list; any non-subscribers posting to the list will be denied.  Message will go through without requiring confirmation.

Subscribers, Owners and moderators; non-subscribers require confirmation (privateoreditorkey)

Only subscribers, moderators and moderators may post to the list; any non-subscribers posting to the list will need confirmation before the post goes through.

Anyone (Public)

Anyone may post to the list, none of it is moderated.

Subscribers, Owners and moderators; require Moderator approval (privateandeditorkey)

Only subscribers, moderators and moderators may post to the list; any posting to the list will need confirmation before the post goes through.

Public require Moderator approval (publicandeditorkey)

Any one can send, but requires Moderator approval.

Digest - Digests can be sent out once weekly if users subscribe as such.  Digest is sent out on the configured day and time and can be set to adjust how many messages are digested for the lump-send.  The default is 25.

Available Subscription Options - This allows the administrator to limit the choices subscribers have for subscription.

Reply Address - Use this option to force the reply address from emails posted to the list.  This is especially useful so that replies return to the list or to the individual sender, as is the preference of the Moderator of Owner.

Maximum Message Size

  • Note that only listmasters have privileges to set this option.
  • Under "Edit List Config," click on "Sending/reception setup"
  • Scroll down to "Maximum message size (max_size)"
  • Enter a new value for the maximum message size- note that this is in bytes so be sure to convert.
  • Update the elist.


  • Who can view list information - This field determines who may view the list information, either just those associated with the list or anyone.
  • Who can subscribe to the list - This field determines who may subscribe to the list and if authentication, owner approval, or notification is desired.
  • Who can add subscribers - This field determines who can add subscribers to the list and what authentication and notification level is desired.
  • Who can unsubscribe - This field determines how a subscriber may unsubscribe from the list and what level of authentication and notification is needed.
  • Who can delete subscribers - This field determines the level of authentication and notification of the owner removing users from the list.
  • Who can invite people - This field determines who may invite people to join the list, from anyone to owner only.
  • Who can start a remind process - This field determines who may remind users that they are subscribed to the list, whether owner or listmaster.
  • Who can review subscribers - This field determines who may see the list of subscribers.

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