Affinity Groups
Please list affinity groups that Tufts IT professionals might be interested in joining, including how to go about contacting/joining the group, and where to find more information.
- Apple Support Affinity Group - more info here, Lee Raymond, Kevin Murphy
- Virtualization Affinity Group - Thom Cox, Kevin Murphy
- Drupal Affinity Group - contact Thom Cox or Kate Bronstad at Tisch library
- LANDesk Affinity Group - Michael MacDonald, Kevin Murphy
- Information Security Affinity Group - Ben Walther
- Tufts Programmers Affinity Group - contact Steve McDonald
- User-Centered Design Affinity Group - contact Melanie St. James
Information on the Tufts IT Knowledgebase is intended for IT Professionals at Tufts.
If you have a question about a Tufts IT service or computer/account support, please contact your IT support group.