How to Process Student Request for Space

How to Process Student Request for Space

EMS Web Client – Boston Campus

How to Process Student Request Submitted through the

Space & Resource Reservation System (VEMS)


This process is in the TEST phase (at the Dental School). 

Student Affairs Offices would like students to submit requests for space by using the Space & Resource Reservation System (VEMS).  Before space can be assigned, the Student Affairs Office must approve the event/space request.

EMS does not have a built-in workflow.  To address this need, a new EMS status must be created and assigned to the Student Web Process Template.  This status triggers a notification to the Student Affairs staff that a student request has been submitted and requires student affairs approval.  Once approved, the Student Affairs staff changes the status (to a different status). This second status triggers a notification to the Scheduling Office to alert them that the event has been approved and space can be assigned.  It is recommended that the second status be the same status that is used for all new space requests submitted through the system (“Tentative”).


  • New Status for Student Requests (to trigger Student Affairs staff). New status requests must be approved by the EMS technical staff (Boston and Medford).
  • Student Users assigned to a second Web Process Template that defines which space students can request through the Space & Resource Reservation System (the auto assigned web process template does not allow students to request space)
  • Student Affairs staff Security User Accounts
  • Student Affairs Security User Template
  • Student Affairs Notification Rules
  • Student Affairs Confirmation Message (generates the auto reply when a student submits a request)
  • Student Affairs Messages
  • Verify that the Scheduling Office Notification Rules include the status(es) that Student Affairs Offices are using for approved student requests


If student requests are not approved centrally, a unique Student Request Status is required for each approval group.  For example, if each school/program’s Student Affairs Office is responsible for approving their student’s space requests, you would need the following new statuses:

  • Tentative-Dent Studnt Affairs
  • Tentative-Med Stdnt Affairs
  • Tentative-Nutr Studnt Affairs
  • Tentative-PHDP Studnt Affairs
  • Tentative-Sklr Studnt Affairs

There should be no need to create a unique status for “approved” student requests. Rather, if each Student Affairs Office changes the approved student requests from the “Tentative-xyzStdntAffairs” status to the “Tentative” status, the Scheduling Office’s notification rules would alert them of the “approval” because the “Tentative” status is the trigger of all new VEMS requests.

Summary of Steps:

  1. Student submits a request for space via the Space & Resource System. The system updates the status of the request to the new status for approved student requests (e.g. “Tentative-Dent Studnt Affairs”)
  2. Student receives a system-generated auto reply indicating that the space request was submitted.
  3. Student Affairs staff log into the EMS Web Client and are alerted of the request via the dashboard.
  4. Student Affairs staff review the request and change the booking status from “Tentative-(school/program) Studnt Affairs” to:
    1. Tentative – if the request for space is approved
    2. Bumped
    3. Cancelled
    4. Pending
    5. Request Denied
    6. Wait List
  5. Student Affairs staff sends a system-generated email to the student alerting them if their request was approved.\
  6. Once the booking status is changed to “Tentative” the Scheduling Office is alerted of the request via the Notification Rules (appears in the Scheduling Office Dashboard).
  7. The Scheduling Office reviews/processes all requests with a status = Tentative (including approved student requests).
  8. The Scheduling Office sends a system-generated email alerting the student of the status of the space request (i.e. if the space is confirmed).
  9. Once a request has a status of “Confirmed”, the space is booked (reserved) in EMS

Steps with Screenshots

How to Process Student Request for Space.docx

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