Managing Printers and Copiers

Managing Printers and Copiers


Printers can be configured a number of way depending on the situation. Printers can be plugged in locally via USB, set up as local printers with TCPIP network ports, or added to a print server. How the printer is configured affects how it can be added, removed, and managed.

Many of the large departments use a print server because it generally provides the most control and better management options. The instructions below are intended for deploying printers from a print server although in most cases the process would be similar for local printers with network ports.

Removing Printers

Adding Printers

  • landesk desktop manager
  • Group Policy (GPOs)
    Group Policy provides a simple way to deploy printers to domained computers but there are a few downsides. Printers deployed this way cannot be deleted and are installed on all computers within the target OUs. Instructions are available below:
  • Group Policy Preferences
    GPPs (group policy preferences) works similar to GPOs mentioned above but is more configurable and easier to target. GPPs work natively with Windows 7 but require a client side extension (available via WSUS) for Windows XP. With GPPs, a printer can be set to only install once, only install on specific computers, etc. Additional information is available below
  • user installed via shortcut

Allowing users to install printers

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