How to Create a Security User Account

How to Create a Security User Account

 EMS Configuration – Boston Campus

How to Create a Security User Account


A Security User Account is required for a user to have access to the EMS Web Client or the Desktop Client. Security User Accounts are assigned to a single Security User Template – the security template defines what the Security User is able to do in the EMS database (e.g. rooms that can be scheduled or viewed, statuses that can be assigned). 


  • Security User Accounts are not auto created.  They must be managed manually (created, removed, reassigned to different security user template).
  • An individual can be assigned only one Security User Template.  E.g. If an Executive Associate Dean requires access to buildings/rooms that are defined in multiple Security User Templates, a “roll-up” EAD Security User Template must be created because it is not possible to assign the EAD to multiple Security User Templates.


  • Active EMS user with utln (auto created by HR Toolkit process)
  • Department
  • Security User Template

 Summary of Steps (Web Client)

  1. Create a Security User Account
    1. Navigation: System Administration>Security>Users
    2. Administrator Role unchecked. The Administrator Role is limited to members of TTS/EMS Technical Team. It should not be given to space schedulers nor super schedulers. 
    3.  “User ID” is the individual’s utln.
    4. Set Network ID to “Tufts\utln” for single sign-on
  2.  Assign Security User Account to the Security User Template
    1. Navigation: System Administration>Security>Users
    2. Click on Event Properties
    3. Select the Security User Template and the Department of the individual
  3. Verify Academic Properties is unassigned
    1. Click on Academic Properties
    2. Type=Department
    3. Campus, Department, Template = none

 *Academic Properties are assigned if the individual is responsible for EMS Academic Planning, e.g., the iSIS-EMS feed, scheduling courses using the academic planning module.

Steps with Screenshots

How to Create Security User Account.docx

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