How to uninstall the LANDesk agent on Windows

How to uninstall the LANDesk agent on Windows

LANDesk provides an executable called "UninstallWinClient.exe" that is on the available on the core server share under: \\ssvmldeskcore\ldmain.  

Note: This share is only available to LANDesk users. Users without LANDesk Management access cannot access this share to prevent users from uninstalling the LANDesk client on their own PC. The uninstall executable is also located on the FSP share under: \\titan\software$\FSP\LANDesk\Agent Uninstall Package\ for IT Support personnel that do not have LANDesk access.

To remove the LANDesk agent from a PC, simply run "UninstallWinClient.exe" as an administrator.  The computer will automatically reboot (make sure all client's work is saved) and the LANDesk agent will be removed once the computer restarts.  You should also manually remove the computer record in LANDesk as this simply removes the LANDesk agent from their computer but does not remove their computer record from the LANDesk inventory database.

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