Proofpoint Audit Mode

Proofpoint Audit Mode

Proofpoint Audit Mode

If needed, UIT can configure an account for Proofpoint Audit Mode which allows the user to report spam which does not get caught directly by Proofpoint. This can help modify Proofpoint over time to recognize future instances of reported emails as Spam.

If a client wishes to have their account configured for Proofpoint Audit Mode, their FSP should contact the UIT Client Support Center with the client's name and UTLN and request that they be configured for Proofpoint Audit Mode.

Things to know:

  • When an account is configured for Proofpoint Audit mode the user will not notice any difference in their Inbox however, Proofpoint will begin storing a copy of all email which is delivered to the Inbox in an Audit folder on the server.
  • When a spam message arrives into the Inbox the user will be able to log into Proofpoint and by clicking one button notify Proofpoint of spam which got through their filters.
  • Users will also notice that all valid emails will be at the bottom of the End User Digest providing the ability to report spam in that manner as well.

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