Updating drivers on already deployed OS

Updating drivers on already deployed OS

Deploying  drivers as part of your existing OS deployment process is simple through Landesk, however if you want to update drivers on already provisioned computer this might need some extra steps. One option would be to manually right clicking on the device in device manager, and select the appropriate driver to install.  It is possible to automate this process using a PowerShell script that calls the PnPUtil utility.

The following script iterates recursively through the pack of drivers and installs all of the drivers that it finds. Code is below:


$ScriptPath = Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition

$files = get-childitem -path $Scriptpath -recurse -filter *.inf

foreach ($file in $files)


 Write-host "Injecting driver $file"

pnputil -i -a $file.FullName


To use this script extract the driver pack and place the script in top level folder of the extracted zip file. Then execute the script, it will install all drivers. This could also be packaged into LD package and deployed to existing machines.

If you get an error saying that the execution of scripts has been disabled, in PowerShell, type:

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

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