Eaton Lab

Eaton Lab

General Information:

Owned and Operated by TTS – student staff

Lab hours on https://it.tufts.edu/qs-eatonhours

Imaged once a year or as needed

Pay for Print System, Vendor (Conway) provides printer hardware services and supplies (For Repairs 603-889-8563)

MDS is vendor for Pharos software – contacted through Conway, but typically work directly with MDS (Matt Carlin)

JumboCash machine, maintained by Dining Services Contact: Sonya Johson


Areas of extended support:

-Spanish language placement exam, typically takes place the Thursday of Orientation Week. Contact: Marta Rosso-O’Laughlin. (Set homepage on Macs and PCs to testing site)

-imPACT Concussion Testing, now online. Athletes are sent to the lab to take test independently. Contact: Pat Cordeiro

-New student (Freshmen, Grad Students etc.) class registration occurs Thursday afternoon, Friday, and Saturday of Orientation Week. Requires early opening of lab on Saturday morning. At least one staff member that has admin rights to reset/create Tufts accounts is onsite for all 3 days.


Basic Information:

The main entrance of the Eaton Computer Lab is located on the main floor of Eaton Hall, at the top of the hill just on the academic quad. Look for it between Goddard Chapel and Miner Hall and opposite of Braker Hall. It is a public use lab intended for general use and therefore is not set up or available for class reservations.

Students may receive assistance with resetting Tufts Account passwords at this location during lab hours of operation. A Student Accounts Administrator is available for assistance with advanced account issues during 9am-5pm.

In previous semesters, students participating in the ChBE laptop program who are experiencing problems with their devices can drop off the device at the main desk for service. This location has now been changed to Arena.


A valid, government issued photo I.D. or Tufts I.D. is required if a student requests advanced account management beyond the self-service options available via Tufts Tools.

How To:

All computers in the computer lab are joined to the Tufts Domain. To access the computers, login with Tufts username and password. Alternatively, computer lab staff can log users in with a generic account, although using Tufts credentials is highly recommended.


Pay for Print:

Black and white prints are 10 cents per page, 15 cents for two-sided printing.

Color prints are 30 cents per page, 45 cents for two-sided printing.

May require purchase of licenses for software not already installed in lab:

Info: https://it.tufts.edu/qs-labrequest
Form: https://it.tufts.edu/labSoftwareRequest

Level of Support:

General Support: Student workers

Advanced Support for Computer Lab: Computer Lab Support team (Dean Gasinowski)

User counts:

Done hourly for number of students using lab.

This is a scheduled task: 1 minute before each hour a Word Document reminder comes up

New Scheduled task: at top of every hour opens UserCounts excel sheet.

Student will then enter number of people in the lab then saves to server. (

Lab Shared settings - WorkGroup Manager (runs off asitslabsdumbo Mac Mini Server)

( – also need to add this location on each client

(Add to the Tufts Domain, and LDAP)

When adding to the domain in Directory Utility: (important)

Check the box for “require mobile account at login”

Uncheck the box for “ force home directory” and “require confirmation before creating a mobile account”

Disabling iCloud sign-in pop-up message: (Terminal Command)


sudo defaults write /System/Library/User\ Template/Non_localized/Library/Preferences/com.apple.SetupAssistant DidSeeCloudSetup -bool TRUE

Custom Plist files implemented through Workgroup Manager

Finder Customization (doesn’t default to ‘All My Files’ in new window)



Change natural scrolling for all users

Add com.apple.swipescrolldirection false” (Boolean) in .GlobalPreferences plist.

Default Double side print for all users

Create custom plist called “com.apple.print.custompresets.forprinter.mcx_0”  (plist file on CSS server)

//To disable reopening windows when logging back in

*http://osxdaily.com/2011/08/25/disable-reopen-windows-when-logging-back-in-in-mac-os-x-lion-completely\* (http://osxdaily.com/2011/08/25/disable-reopen-windows-when-logging-back-in-in-mac-os-x-lion-completely*)

Information on the Tufts IT Knowledgebase is intended for IT Professionals at Tufts.
If you have a question about a Tufts IT service or computer/account support, please contact your IT support group.