Portal View into DVM Prerequisite Data
  • Final
  • Portal View into DVM Prerequisite Data

    Slate Instance



    Maddy Yardumian


    Mar 14, 2024



    Summary Description

    Build out a view in to VMCAS Prereq data


    Detailed description of desired deliverable:

    Maddy and Ford spend a lot of the Spring in conference with students who were denied. The Dean's request not to use the Prerequisite information in the reading and review process meant that this data was not brought over at all for the 2024 cycle, and when they are meeting with students they don't have an easy reference for this information.

    Maddy would like to see the DVM prerequisite data in the new format used in the Slate hosted applications.

    Should just be a matter of copying courses portal and changing the queries to look for the entity fields. Even if pre-req data is required for reading, we can just do a single download of pre-req data in October, [until we find the work around for the lack of unique identifiers on the data that would allow for matching].


    Working with SFTP Features

    Prerequisite update and transition to entities

    In VMCAS, there are canned (uneditable) report for Prerequisites, and for Coursework - coursework report is ALL courses; we need the Prerequisite report. There is no custom way to get this data out--the report is it.

    • Get on the VPN

    • Using Filezilla, log into Vet with personal (not Liaison Service) account

    • in the ‘remote site’ section, drill down into the incoming folder

    • right click to be given the option to create a directory

    • best practice: mirror syntax/organizational structure used for TUSMGP’s imports





    In 2023 when the entity was created, the Criterion name was set as a free text field. This had to be inactivated, and a new Criterion Name field linked to the same course_type prompt added.

    The problem of bringing pre-req data over on a ongoing basis and not having it just create new rows was addressed by Helen in TUP Prerequisite Course Data missing; to align with that, I inactivated the old Designation field and added a new one that is unique for merging (-u suffix in name).

    Tweaked the formatting, added portal to Reader in ‘testing’ visibility.

    At the end, when trying to sort out order, I see that the PreReqs term field is not prompts, but free text, which makes sorting a bear. Leaned into getting this to the school; if it is terrible for them, can fix it at some future point.


    WebAdMIT API and Integrations

    Prerequisites for SFTP Delivery has been created in the Report manager in WebAdmit; I uploaded that .csv file to the WebAdMIT API - VMCAS Prerequisite Courses as a starting point for mapping.

    English wasn't mapped properly, so I uploaded those again, matching on Designator. Need to find a way to review for duplication if we are ever going to move to an SFTP process.

    Portal visibility set to ‘testing' only’; send to Rebecca and Maddy.









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