Emergency Contact Application Logic Hard Fail
  • Final
  • Emergency Contact Application Logic Hard Fail

    Slate Instance



    Marny Mitchell


    Nov 27, 2023



    Bug Description

    warning message regarding my emergency contact address even though filled in under the application information section



    Student: Xichen Wang

    Fails logic check when being impersonated, and at app logic level:

    (Students who do not get an error look like this)








    Have attempted so far:

    • Deleting contact from relationship tab and re-entering data in application

    • Making that contact highest ranked--which isn’t even a thing--all I did was make the address highest priority!! There isn’t a contact priority ranking.

    According to https://knowledge.technolutions.com/hc/en-us/articles/216174408#calculations-0-2 , parents should be rank 1--checking the relationship type order, parent is indeed 1:

    Current suspicion: the table rankings are not working. Checking by reviewing applications with multiple different relationships, and then in a refreshed test, see if I can fix this.

    https://gradhlthsci.admissions.tufts.edu/manage/query/query?id=6f943c5b-7f90-4b1b-9fcd-aa73ea67bab8 is the query--it just needs to filter for the people with more than 1

    Further review of the article with more of my brain shows that it isn't an overall ranking, but ranking within categories:

    In test, we see that Itza, the first relationship entered, does not have an address.

    If we add that address, I expect that the error message will go away…. and it does:

    Trying to rewrite the query looking for the #1 relationship doesn't work, because there are 2 of them, and the first one entered does not have an address. If I change the sort to look at the most recent address, what does that get me? AHA!

    Resolution Steps:

    Add sorting logic to the Application Logic item, so the most recent entry--that is, the entry in the current application-- is the only one that triggers the hard fail.


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