TUSMGP FGI Overview Meeting

TUSMGP FGI Overview Meeting

Jan 26, 2024

Helen Williams, Beth Storrs, Tristan Deveney, Tim Fields, Hye-jung Park

Tristan’s basic process is to figure out how frequently various STL queries and exports are used, using access log and can access data on how often saved queries are being run

(Can also do similar things for CJ’s) but the focus would be the STL

  • how to capture the queries that are part of reports? TD has to check to see what is available--he is working towards the same sort of analysis for a select subset of currently-active reports

    • can't structure the pull in the same way, sine this data is in xml, rather than in something parallel to query.part

  • concern about missing full picture of what people are actually doing without including CJ’s for TUSMG


Custom SQL to pull recent (within a week?) quick queries


DECISION: quick and dirty last 6 month analysis for manual reviews of STL based queries…quick queries persist for a week we think), so they will be included as long as they exist, and we can review that

-->start collecting that Quick Query data for Vet now, so we have more data once we get there

For consulting hours: send e-mail to Alec & Tristan about scheduling consulting hours

Duplicate fields within the instance: identify what fields haven’t had new data added to them in 2 years, and in TUSMGP that probably means they are no longer in use

asking the to keep their eyes open for efficiencies and overlap across all instances

add consultant access to race_ethnicity


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