Meeting Notes

Meeting Notes

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Decisions Summary

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  1. When a request or development item comes in from outside admissions (particularly marketing), ensure approval/knowledge of Slate Captain/Admissions Director


  1. use the native courses functionality for Slate-hosted application data; put VMCAS data into application-scoped courses entity


  1. Project-ownership trumps “instance responsibility” (i.e., Beth is working on gender, so she’ll talk to Fletcher)


  1. Helen will lead the FLTR meeting on 8/26
  2. Helen will be “first response” for tts-slate-team email requests from TUSMGP, Fletcher, and UCM/marketing questions
  3. Beth will be “first response” for tts-slate-team email requests from GSBS/NUTR, Vet
  4. Helen will build/be responsible for the feeds of data out of Slate to Denodo for “marketing” data (for UCM/Sananda)


  1. If research indicates that “Program Interest ID” can be replaced by Slate-delivered “External ID” then deprecate it in TUSMGP and do not add to “core” fields in other insiitances
  2. Beth will use TUF to create “core” inquiry details fields in a “clean” database
  3. Beth will add/update the inquiry details entity (fields and prompts) in TUH, TUV and TUF using TUP and notes from this meeting as a model
  4. We will have three categories of fields for inquiry details entities: core “basic” fields (e.g., program), core “marketing” fields (e.g. Vendor), and “special case” fields that are unique to one instance but might be useful in future use
  5. Helen will write documentation for how to use inquiry details fields and marketing reporting (“user guide” for clients, etc. to implement properly

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