2025-01-23 Meeting Notes
2025-01-23 Meeting Notes
HRW: Discuss plan to check in with FGI on query libraries/remaining work besides training
HRW: Prep for discussion with Tom/Linda/Michael hiring ReWorkflow
HRW: Portal for monitoring source format prompt mappings (show & tell)
HRW: Massive Denodo queries… how to manage?
Multiple queries?
Don’t go as far back?
change to only records that have gone through person/app update queue?
Meeting Notes
FGI deploying libraries as part of training
TUSMGP will invite Martha, Nate, and Maggie to participate in TUH training
Found documentation of materialized views, seems like it is the correct solution to the Denodo problem, so will try that first.
Assigned Tasks
@Elizabeth Storrs follow up with FGI on custom query libraries and documentation
@Helen Williams lead on presentation @ReWorkflow hours, incl. developing visuals for the 28th
@Helen Williams lead on converting TUSMGP person query to a materialized view and working with Matt to see if this resolves the situation