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In the current process in which we load to the staging area of SIS, regardless of any other data, if the SSN is found on a pre-existing record in SIS, the record will go to suspend status, and only when a user makes the determination that the new record is the same person as the pre-existing one will a match be made. So it wouldn’t matter if the student had a new gender, as long as the admissions user is able to figure out that it is indeed the same person.
Open question: (asked, but unanswered) Under what circumstances does gender get overwritten in SIS or a new row created? Is a new gender row ever created?
random note: in Slate, the delivered sex field is going to have a great deal of data in it, since we have been using it from the beginning . Merging newer records into older records may generate phantom values in this field, and we need to be very careful not to be using those values when they have not been maintained.
The required ‘legal sex’ v. optional ‘preferred gender’ in the CAS systems is a decent entry point to thinking about sex/gender as a core data point within the Tufts data ecosystem.
Incoming Data
There are a variety of ways that this data is offered.
“You should answer the gender question based on the gender with which you identify, which may or may not be the sex you were assigned at birth. Gender Identity is a separate, optional question intended to draw out additional layers of student body diversity, including diverse perspectives from applicants who have experienced major life events or transitions related to their gender identity.”
In AMCAS, the reference table for this past 2024 season has the following values:
The 2024 applicant data also has a "sex" column:
Code: SELECT sex,COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM [AmcasDES].[amcas].[AMCAS_Applicant] WHERE app_year = 2024 GROUP BY sex ORDER BY cnt desc
I also see 2024 applicant data on gender identity. I'm currently ignoring this data in terms of SIS and Stuart:
Code: SELECT gender_identity_code,gender_identity,COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM [AmcasDES].[amcas].[ApplicantPersonalInfo] WHERE app_year=2024 GROUP BY gender_identity_code,gender_identity ORDER BY COUNT(*) desc
Non-binary; Another Gender Identity - I identify under the transgender umbrella
Non-binary; Another Gender Identity - Intersex
Woman; Trans woman; Non-binary
For interfacing with SIS, the SQL view uses these values: O, U, M, F, U
WHEN vw.GENDER = 'Another Gender' THEN
WHEN vw.GENDER = 'Decline to Answer' THEN
And lastly, Stuart supports these values currently, though Bruce suspects this will change very soon:
Code: SELECT DISTINCT sex, gender.Gender FROM student st INNER JOIN register re ON re.StudentKey = st.StudentKey LEFT JOIN gender ON gender.GenderCode = st.Sex WHERE re.RegType = 'DegreeProgram' AND sex IS NOT null
Another Gender Identity
Declined to provide
Dental is unusual in that there is no automation from the 3 CAS systems (ADEA, AADSAS, PASS) and the local Qualtrics application; Mario does a data upload to SIS.
Using the work Helen did in TUSMGP as a model, there is now an automated query in Vet and in TUH that will update the delivered ‘sex’ value with a concatenated Identity/Marker value; the Assign Sex field for SIS interface queries are set to run between 2-4 pm to get the updates before data is pulled for SIS. These run to the Trigger: Person - Sex source format.
When copying over the query, the ‘extended’ export value Helen had set in the concatenated sex export gets reset to “default”. The mapping existed for M and F, but NB value was not mapped anywhere. 12/2 Updated both the mapping, so NB flows correctly, but also updated the export values.
12/2 reviewed imports and updated anyone with an NB value by hand on their application record, since it had not been mapped
In the applications we control, should we be asking for “other”, even if we cannot send that to SIS? Is it just performative? @Elizabeth Storrs ask Hope!
Everything ultimately has to flow into SIS.
Note that this is an effective-dated field!
Interestingly enough, there are other (delivered) options for tracking this data in SIS that have been added since 2017, when we added new sex/gender options.
The key takeaway here is that we are currently using the Gender Identity field within SIS to capture sex data.
Conversation with Hope Freeman 7/10/2024
gender marker (M/F/X/O) and gender identity as separate fields
more transparency about what information is flowing where
Of course, any changes in SIS affect downstream things!
Jonathan Pritchard 6/24/2024:
Sex in Medicat, has 4 options. In reviewing the SIS file, only M/F/U are populated (outliers mapped to U), but a [staff] user in Medicat can change the sex if needed.
There are also user-defined options to capture pronouns and gender identity--these are updated manually.
Is not sent to Powerfaids or for Students to or from HR.