OIR Admissions Data Needs 2025-02-20
Attendees: Emily Look, Dmitri Hoffmeyer, @Helen Williams @Elizabeth Storrs
Review spreadsheet provided by Emily https://tufts.app.box.com/file/1764262441729
confirm that this is Admissions, not Enrollment reporting
are subplans really needed? Are to distinguish certain types of SFMA and TUSMGP plans…connects back to the need for a master crosswalk between Slate codes and SIS codes
Meeting Notes
Places this data is used downstream:
Tableau live-dashboard y-o-y, plus current applications from DW
Fall Spring download, compile, check with admissions, Dean’s Data Hub grad admissions data isn't live but comes from DW
Dental, MED
App Degree Active/Degree Cd/Degree Desc Dmitri needs to do research on
App Study Rate--DATA STRATEGY do they really need?
CIP--want for the future; will have to come from SIS
Citizenship1 is a code for OIR
College of Europe and MYF for Fletcher are both handled as one-offs;
Add Status = Decided only screens out people who do not have decisions--may not have been used completely correctly in the past
Derived date: denodo pulls it’s data at 5; materialized views update between 2-4; program entity data is updated between 8-10pm. How do we communicate those dates to end users? Dan K has a date