Get Your Tufts Credentials student issues

Get Your Tufts Credentials student issues

Slate Instance



Patty LaFleur


Apr 1, 2024



Bug Description

Students ‘Get Your Tufts Credentials’ checklist item is being completed before they actually set them up.

Related Future Development issue: Activate Tufts Credentials Update

Issue Description

Students are clicking the ‘submit’ button on the ‘get your tufts credentials’ form without actually going through to Tufts Tools. This completes the checklist item, but the student has no credentials, and no way to get to the link again.


This seemed straightforward--the fulfillment of the checklist item just needs to be changed from the form submission to relying on a rule that looks for the UTLN. However, this form is attached without being part of a checklist group:


And, the checklist isn’t even visible to students--they see the link (or not) in their portal, based on whether or not they have submitted the form.

Resolution Steps

Change the form to ‘multiple’, since it is just the student hitting the button multiple times, and nothing actually happens within Slate. It isn’t critical, but it removes as small places students could get stuck.
Update the portal code to look for the UTLN before the box disappears:
Rules update: The checklist item is still being fulfilled on Patty’s end by the student clicking the submit button attached to the form. They will now ALSO be fulfilled in the event the student does not submit the form, via the Credentialing Completed rule:

If a student submits the form, does cancelling and deleting the form submission help to adjust the checklist that PL sees? It turns out that it does.


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