2024-08-21 Meeting notes
Marketing data attribution update (Helen)
FLTR applicant portal redirect issue (Beth)
Meeting Notes
TUSMGP MBS Portal redirect is still old coding
Reviewed 2 new inquiry details fields for marketing attribution:
Original Source
- Helen will lead the FLTR meeting on 8/26
- Helen will be “first response” for tts-slate-team email requests from TUSMGP, Fletcher, and UCM/marketing questions
- Beth will be “first response” for tts-slate-team email requests from GSBS/NUTR, Vet
- Helen will build/be responsible for the feeds of data out of Slate to Denodo for “marketing” data (for UCM/Sananda)
Assigned Tasks
Email Friedman marketing team re: UCM/Hubspot mktg attribution @Helen Williams
Add 2 new inquiry details feeds to GSBS/NUTR & VET instances @Elizabeth Storrs
Create prompt list for campaigns (inquiry details) for all 4 instances and send to Beth @Helen Williams
Update UCM/Hubspot source formats for Inquiry Details - Original Source @Helen Williams
Create Request/Development documentation for Marketing Attribution project @Helen Williams