Submitted, Complete, Verified

Submitted, Complete, Verified

Testing Scenarios

Create application in correct round
If no prospect record, create person and application
if prospect record, match to it
right number; currently mapped for 3
contact info
Broken from last year
native language
note that VMCAS does not ask about primariness of grad schools, so only the primary undergrad field needs to be mapped
New fields this year:
first gen
phonetic pronunciation
preferred pronouns
legal sex
gender identity
alternate e-mail address
previous professional enrollment
prev prof enrollment description
licenses and certifications
I have mapped a total of 4, but did it by fiddling the exports on the test file (where there were only 2), not actually adding them to a test record, so will want to review
personal pet
only four were mapped--added the other 10, but just in the import, so need to review
there are multiple values in one source format--set this up like joint program
This is what allows multiple value mappings from a single dataset import, but does not add more every time

(also personalPet without a number, so there is currently mapping of four values)

Open issues:

supposedly one of the improvements was the proper formatting of paragraph texts in the API. Am wondering if that was only on the WebAdmit export, since current CAS export still has the /n problem.



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