Reader Updates

Reader Updates

License and certification table added to Achievement/Honors/Scholarship portal page.
Gender field on main dashboard shifted to be concatenate, identity first, then legal.
Professional education and test scores added to the Academic page.
add pronouns to dashboard
fix first gen field (not showing correctly?: Randi Anderson) --changed to look at new, specific first gen field
updated citizenship to clarify PRs
added Turkish to language translate table
update workflow with V29 Reader Review form--swap out form in bin, and make sure the new form shows in the Reader
add personal pet to Animal/Vet/Research experience page
hide ‘reapplicant changes’ section for anyone who is not a re-applicant
add verified Test Scores to Academics page; GRES need to show for MS/PhD apps, but not DVMs.
align look and feel across all pages
width of grey
Create prerequisite page

for next year: show country for schools if region is international



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