Download my Old Tufts Email
Download my Old Tufts Email
I want to download my old email
In order to copy your email from the old Tufts system to a format that can be imported on other computers or other email
systems, please follow these steps to copy your email into an "MBOX" format.
Please note that access to your old email will cease by July 20th, 2011. After this date the data in this account will be
purged from University systems.
- Download and Install Mozilla Thunderbird. Download Thunderbird
- Create an account in Thunderbird that will connect to your Tufts Account
- For this Example, we will use the name "John Smith", replace instances of John's name with your name where appropriate.
- Insert Docs from HHSL
I need Help
For assistance with these steps, please contact the Hirsh Health Sciences Library (HHSL) at our contact information:
, multiple selections available,
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