Apple TV is a useful tool to facilitate wireless presentation of lectures or meetings.
Tufts University School of Medicine has deployed Apple TV in the Gross Anatomy lab (BPRH Building M+V basement) and in the Perry Conference Room (BPRH Building M+V 2nd Floor).
To present via wireless, you must be using a laptop running Apple's Mountain Lion Operating System or newer, or have an iPhone, iPod, or iPad running iOS 4.3 or later.
You must also be connected to the same wireless network in order to see the Appletv.
Managing Apple TV WiFI settings without the remote control
With Apple's release of Apple TV Software Update 5.1 IT professionals can now manage a variety of settings on Apple TV over USB.
Apple TV: How to install a configuration profile
Apple TV: How to configure 802.1X using a profile
Apple TV: How to configure a proxy using profile
About Apple TV (2nd and 3rd generation) software updates