
The Tufts High Performance Compute (HPC) cluster delivers 35,845,920 cpu hours and 59,427,840 gpu hours of free compute time per year to the user community.

Teraflops: 60+ (60+ trillion floating point operations per second) cpu: 4000 cores gpu: 6784 cores Interconnect: 40GB low latency ethernet

For additional information, please contact Research Technology Services at tts-research@tufts.edu


R is a widely available object oriented statistical package. The current list of installed packages, to numerous to list, can be found in directory

This represents an augmented base installation suitable for most routine tasks, however not all available packages as found on the R web site are installed. If some other R package is needed, please make a software installation request as outlined above. However, for many people use of RStudio will allow for local installations in your home directory. Extensive user documentation and tutorials are available on the R web site. There are many texts as well, here is nice example

Note BioConductor and many genetics related R packages are installed as well.


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R related:

How do I run a long running R job as a batch job and I require lots of ram?

You may send your R script to the slurm batch partition requesting access to a 32gig ram node, as an example:

-bash-3.2$ sbatch --mem=32g -p batch  --wrap="R CMD BATCH your-inputfile.r outputfilename"


For example, for the most part,  option  -p  batch   will place the job on nodes with 128gig memory allocations.  Default units of memory is megabytes:

--mem= 30000  will request 30gig of ram.  Use of the largemem partition should be considered when  more total ram is required.


Where is the R documentation?
Extensive user documentation and tutorials are available on the R web site. There are many texts as well, here is nice example

And if you are an Spss or SAS user check this out.

And another source for comparative statistical package example usage can be found at UCLA

Where can I find command line R documentation?
> module load R
> srun ... R CMD INSTALL --help

Or use the man pages available at the linux shell prompt.

-bash-3.2$ man R

Also of note is the following online CodeSchool tutorial

Additional info on R can be found in the admin guide

How can I install an R package that is only available as a tar file?
Download the tar file and from within R try the following. Make changes to the utln and path to reflect the location. For example:

> install.packages("/cluster/shared/utln/your_R_package.tar", repos = NULL)

You may also install a package into another location:

-bash-4.1$ srun ... R CMD INSTALL --library=/cluster/shared/utln /cluster/shared/utln/someRpackage.tar.gz

Change the utln to your login name and adjust the filesystem path.


You will need to add the location to R search path for libraries.
Within R type:

> .libPaths()
1 "/opt/shared/R/2.15.0-rhel6/lib64/R/library"

This is the default library system wide.

Now to add the new additional location:

> .libPaths(/cluster/shared/utln/)

> .libPaths()
1 "/cluster/shared/utln"
2 "/opt/shared/R/2.15.0-rhel6/lib64/R/library"


How can I install an R package from the CRAN repository?
From within R issue the commands:

> options(CRAN="http://cran.us.r-project.org/")
> install.packages("name_of_package")

Note that R package names are case sensitive.

Alternatively, try:
> install.packages(name_of_package,~utln/R-libs/,CRAN=getOption("CRAN"),destdir=~utln/R/)


Edit the utln to reflect your Tufts username and directory locations. Locations may be home directory or optional storage locations.

Check the R documentation for additional options.  Note, you home directory quota  is limited to 5 gig.

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For additional information, please contact Research Technology Services at tts-research@tufts.edu