
The Tufts High Performance Compute (HPC) cluster delivers 35,845,920 cpu hours and 59,427,840 gpu hours of free compute time per year to the user community.

Teraflops: 60+ (60+ trillion floating point operations per second) cpu: 4000 cores gpu: 6784 cores Interconnect: 40GB low latency ethernet

For additional information, please contact Research Technology Services at tts-research@tufts.edu


Cluster user software environment

Each cluster shell account has a default bash shell upon login. This should meet the needs of most users. To change to other shells, such as csh, zsh, tcsh, use the chsh command. Additional info on the chsh command is available through the man pages.

Module management for software package user environment

Software environments are managed through the use of the module approach. Many commercial packages and some public domain software require various settings that can often lead to clashes in the user shell environment. In order to use a package on the cluster, you must load that package's module. For example to use matlab:

> module load matlab

before running matlab. 


Note that there are several versions of many programs.  Load the version of interest. 

To see what packages and versions that are under module control:

> module avail


To unload a package from your environment:

> module unload matlab


To see loaded packages in your environment:

> module list


To unload all packages in your environment:

> module purge


From time to time there are some software that is not under module control.

For example, python built packages that are system-wide:

$ module load python/2.7.6

To see what python apps are available:

$ pip list



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For additional information, please contact Research Technology Services at tts-research@tufts.edu