The Tufts High Performance Compute (HPC) cluster delivers 35,845,920 cpu hours and 59,427,840 gpu hours of free compute time per year to the user community.

Teraflops: 60+ (60+ trillion floating point operations per second) cpu: 4000 cores gpu: 6784 cores Interconnect: 40GB low latency ethernet

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Eric Kernfeld

Eric Kernfeld's work with Prof. Shuchin Aeron (ECE) and Prof. Misha Kilmer (Math) centers around algebraic analysis of image and video data. Even a single video or a small collection of images can require an uncomfortable amount of time to process on a laptop, especially when it comes time to compare algorithms under different regimes. The high-performance computing tools(such as Matlab Distributed Computing Toolbox) at Tufts allowed them to run tests in a manageable time frame and proceed with their projects.

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