3. Exercise: Working with Shells

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3. Exercise: Working with Shells

Try these shell commands at the prompt. Many of commands have extensive additional arguments they can take.

Display the value of the $SHELL environment variable, which stores the pathname of the current shell.

$ echo $SHELL /bin/bash


List the available shells in the system. cat (concatenate) is a standard Linux utilities that concatenates and prints the content of a file to standard output. shells is the name of the file, and /etc/ is the pathname of the directory where this file is stored.

$ cat /etc/shells


Find the current date and time with the date command.

$ date
Thu Apr 18 09:52:18 CDT 2013


List all of your own current running processes with the ps command (process status). In Linux, each process is associated with a process identification (PID).

$ ps
  PID TTY          TIME CMD
  916 pts/58   00:00:00 bash
 1531 pts/58   00:00:00 ps


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