Container Image Registries

Container Image Registries

There are multiple options available for container images registries that are usable by various teams across Tufts for workloads running on Docker, Podman, or various orchestration platforms.

The on-prem “Docker Reg” product is deprecated and not recommended for any new workloads or projects.

Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR)

Teams that are part of TTS can use ECR within their AWS accounts underneath the Landing Zone environment. Access to the Landing Zone for non-TTS groups has not yet been opened up.


Github Container Registry

As of recent years, this now lives under the “Packages” name/product space on Github.


Openshift Image Registry

The on-prem Openshift clusters have a built-in registry that can also be used, although the benefit is likely reduced for workloads that are not actually running on Openshift. If you’re interested in using this, please contact ESCP via a support ticket to discuss.

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