Proposal Development (PD)
Update PD Proposal Status
Request: "Please update proposal number 1234 to the 'Approved & Submitted' status."
Example Ticket: INC0712970
select * from proposal_state;
select proposal_number, status_code from eps_proposal where proposal_number='1234';
update eps_proposal set status_code='6' where proposal_number='1234';
Remove Previous Tracking ID from PD
Request: Cannot remove previous tracking ID from proposal
Example Ticket: INC0712387
select * from s2s_app_submission where proposal_number='1234';
update s2s_app_submission set GG_TRACKING_ID=null where proposal_number='1234';
Update Opportunity Title
Request: The opportunity title on an application contains an unsupported character, resulting in an error which states "Must be an alphanumeric character or punctuation".
update eps_proposal set program_announcement_title='DoD Peer Reviewed Alzheimer''s, Research Partnership Award' where proposal_number='5997'; update s2s_opportunity set opportunity_title='DoD Peer Reviewed Alzheimer''s, Research Partnership Award' where proposal_number='5997';
Fix Missing/Invalid Fiscal Year on PD Unrecovered F&A
Request: Proposal encounters an error during routing referencing an invalid fiscal year. ("Fiscal year must be between X and Y")
Example Ticket: INC0729118
select proposal_number, budget_id, final_version_flag, status_code from eps_proposal_budget_ext where proposal_number='1234'; -- Status code of 1 = Complete, 2 = Incomplete
select * from eps_prop_idc_rate where budget_id='2345';
update eps_prop_idc_rate set fiscal_year='2020' where budget_id='2345' and unrecovered_fna_id='3';
Add New Delegate Central Admin
Request: Add user with UTLN 'mgoldb10' as a Delegate Central Administrator for all departments.
exec add_delegate_central_admin('mgoldb10');
Institutional Proposal (IP)
Update IP Status
Request: "Please update the status of IP ####### to 'Not Funded'."
select * from proposal_status;
select proposal_number, proposal_id, proposal_sequence_status, status_code from proposal where proposal_sequence_status='ACTIVE' and proposal_number='00173838';
update proposal set status_code='5' where proposal_sequence_status='ACTIVE' and proposal_number='00173838';
Fix Award Stuck in 'Pending' State (Edit button doesn't appear)
Request: "Edit button does not appear for award 100000-00001."
Example Ticket: INC0728472
select award_number, sequence_number, award_id, award_sequence_status from award where award_number='100000-00001' order by sequence_number;
update award set award_sequence_status='ACTIVE' where award_sequence_status='PENDING' and award_id='111111';
Maintenance Tables
Add New State to State Table
Request: "Please add the states of (country) to the RAS state table."
Example Ticket: INC0718617
insert into krlc_st_t values ('SS', 'CC', sys_guid(), 1, 'State Name', 'Y'); -- Replace SS with two-digit state/province abbreviation; these are used in S2S submissions so they should match the official designations. -- Replace CC with the two-digit country abbreviation (found in the Country maintenance table) -- Replace State Name with the name of the state/province; this is what will display in the drop-down. Be careful about copy-pasting special characters as they may not show up correctly.
Remove Inactive Departments from User
Request: Person/User record cannot be edited because of inactive departments in their permissions.
exec remove_inactive_unit_perms('efitzp01'); -- Replace with user's UTLN
Grant Admin permissions to a user (full access)
exec give_user_admin_permissions('efitzp01'); -- Replace with user's UTLN
PeopleSoft Integration
Add New PeopleSoft Grant Prefix
select * from ps_grant_prefix order by grant_prefix;
insert into ps_grant_prefix values ('ABC', sysdate, 'admin', 1, sys_guid());
Add/Update PeopleSoft Accountant Code assignments
select accountant_code, user_id from ps_accountant_codes order by to_number(accountant_code);
update ps_accountant_codes set user_id='efitzp01' where accountant_code='99';
insert into ps_accountant_codes values ('99', 'efitzp01', sysdate, 'admin', 1, sys_guid());
delete from ps_accountant_codes where accountant_code='99';
Add Federal Sponsor Mapping Info
insert into ps_sponsor_mappings(sponsor_code, fed_agency, reporting_agency, display_acronym, mapping_level, update_timestamp, update_user, ver_nbr, obj_id) values ('000000', 'DOD', 'DOD', 'DOD>USMA>', 1, sysdate, 'admin', 1, sys_guid()); -- First parameter is the six-digit sponsor code -- Second parameter is the Federal Agency code -- Third parameter is the Reporting Agency code -- Fourth parameter is the Display Acronym -- Other parameters can be left with the provided values