The drivers, which DPInst uses, are located under \\titan\ldeskpackages$\Drivers . For new model computers, driver packs need to be downloaded for DPInst to be able to install the drivers
To add additional drivers for new hardware, follow the directions below.
- Go to
- Select your model and OS from the list on the right
- Select "Download Now" on the next page
- Unarchive the .cab file, and place the content of the file in the appropriate \\titan\ldeskpackages$\Drivers\Dell\ folder
- Go to
- Use the product selector to select the appropriate type, series, and subseries. Make sure you select "All machine types".
- Go to the enterprise management section and download the necessary SCCM package. It will be an exe. Run the exe to extract the drivers to a folder
- Copy the extracted contents in the appropriate \\titan\ldeskpackages$\Drivers\Lenovo\ folder